Our campus offers a wealth of information services to help you navigate your studies. These services cover everything, from general campus information to resources specific to your School.
Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento (PCTO)
Commission for the Inclusion of disabled and SEN students (CARIS)
Student Affairs Office - Post-graduate Specializing Master courses
Office for Medical Speciaization Schools
CLA (University Language Center)
CLICI (Italian Language and Culture Center)
Student Affairs Office - School of Economics
Student Affairs Office - School of Law
Student Affairs Office - School of Engineering
Student Affairs Office - School of Humanities
Student Affairs Office - School of Medicine and Surgery (Medical Area)
Student Affairs Office - Area of Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics
Student Affairs Office - School of Medicine and Surgery (health Care Area)
Student Affairs Office - School of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences