What is the "precautionary enrollment"?

A precautionary application is a process that allows students to enroll in the upcoming academic year with the intention of graduating in the winter session, even if they have not yet completed all the required credits for their degree. In practical terms, the precautionary application permits the student to enroll in the next academic year on the condition that they must fulfill the remaining credits by the summer session. The procedure for precautionary enrollment is outlined in Section 6.2 of Chapter 6 in the Student Handbook for Tor Vergata University of Rome.

The precautionary application must be filled out and validated by December 31st of the same year and retained by the student. It is important to note that the cautionary application should not be submitted to the administrative office.

It is important to note that the precautionary application is a procedure granted only in exceptional cases, and students who make use of it must be up to date with the tuition fees and university contributions for the previous year. Furthermore, random checks will be conducted on precautionary application requests to verify whether the student genuinely lacks a number of credits compatible with the possibility of graduating in the winter session. Any abuses of the precautionary request will be pursued.

In summary, the precautionary application is a procedure that allows students to enroll in the next academic year with the intention of graduating in the winter session, even if they have not yet completed all the required credits for their degree. This procedure is granted only in exceptional cases, and students who choose to utilize it must be in compliance with the tuition fees and university contributions for the previous year.

How do I enroll? And how do I enroll for subsequent years after the first?

To enroll in a bachelor's or master's degree program at Tor Vergata University of Rome, you must follow the instructions provided in Section 5.4.6 of the Student Handbook. Specifically, you need to access the Delphi Online Services website, select the Student Area, and then click on Button 2 for enrollment.

Subsequently, you will need to complete the enrollment application and submit the required documents.

To enroll in the years following the first, you must follow the instructions provided in Section 6.1 of the Student Handbook. Specifically, you need to be up to date with the university fees for the previous year and access the Delphi Online Services website. Then, select the Student Area and click on Button 3 for enrollment in subsequent years after the first. Afterward, you'll need to enter your student ID and password to access the restricted student area, where you can either modify or confirm existing data. Finally, select the "print" option to obtain the enrollment application and the payment slip for the first installment of tuition fees.

How can I request a check of curricular requirements?

To request the assessment of curricular requirements and personal preliminary preparation for enrollment in a Master's Degree program without a predetermined number of available slots, you should follow the instructions provided in Section 3.3 of the Student Handbook for Tor Vergata University of Rome (page 14). Specifically, you need to access the Delphi Online Services website, select the Student Area, and then click on Button 1 for the request of curricular requirements assessment (page 14). Subsequently, you'll need to fill out the application for the admission test, and this will generate an application form along with a payment slip (page 19).

How can I register for assessment tests?

To register for the assessment tests for a Degree program with open access (not limited by a predetermined number of slots) but requiring the successful completion of an evaluation test as an admission prerequisite, it is mandatory to enroll and take the mentioned test (page 14). Instructions for registering for the assessment tests can be found in Section 3.2 of the Student Handbook for Tor Vergata University of Rome (page 14). In particular, you must access the Delphi Online Services website, select the Student Area, and then click on Button 1 for the mandatory enrollment in the initial preparation evaluation tests (page 14).

How can I participate in the admission tests?

To participate in the admission tests for a study program at Tor Vergata University, it is necessary to follow the procedures outlined in the respective notices/announcements published on the University's "Educational Offer" webpage.

Instructions for participating in the admission tests can be found in Section 5.3.1 of the Student Handbook for Tor Vergata University (page 31). Additionally, you can find further information about the specific admission procedures for each study program on the webpage dedicated to that particular program.

How are lectures and exams conducted?

The way lectures and exams are conducted can vary depending on the specific study program and the instructor teaching the course. However, in general terms:

Lectures: Lectures typically take place in a classroom setting and can be delivered in a traditional lecture format, with the instructor presenting the material, or in an interactive format, involving students in group activities or discussions. Exams (Assessment Tests): These are assessments that students must pass to demonstrate their understanding of the knowledge and skills outlined in the study program. Written exams may consist of essays, quizzes, multiple-choice tests, and so on.

Oral exams are conducted publicly.

To be eligible to take exams or assessment tests, students must have included the relevant courses in their approved study plan, obtained the required attendance certificates where mandatory, fulfilled any prerequisite requirements, and be up to date with their tuition fees and contributions.

Exams taken without meeting any of these prerequisites are considered null and void. A negative assessment does not result in a grade but is recorded in the report (as "withdrawn" or "failed," depending on the case) and does not affect the final grade point average.

What is CARIS?

The CARIS (Commission for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders) is a unit within Tor Vergata University that coordinates, monitors, and supports all activities aimed at promoting the integration of students with disabilities, specific learning disorders (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, and dyscalculia), or temporary difficulties into university life.

Established in January 2000, the Commission is committed to overcoming technological and informational barriers, as well as organizational and managerial challenges, while also advocating for solutions to architectural barriers. CARIS provides a wide range of services for students with disabilities, including educational support, technical assistance, transportation services, interpreting services, and much more. Additionally, CARIS collaborates with other university units to ensure the accessibility of spaces and university services.

If you are a student with a disability or specific learning disorder, we recommend contacting CARIS for more information about available services and how to access them.

What is CUS?

The CUS (University Sports Center) is the organization responsible for managing sports activities at Tor Vergata University. CUS offers a wide range of sports activities for students, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, and many others.

Furthermore, CUS also organizes sports events and tournaments for students, providing them with opportunities to socialize and have fun together. CUS plays a significant role in university life by promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among students.

If you are interested in participating in CUS sports activities, we recommend visiting their website for more information.

Where can I find information about the University Student Affairs Offices?

You can find information about the Student Affairs Offices at Tor Vergata University in Chapter 2 of the Student Handbook for Tor Vergata University, specifically in Section 2.2.

In this section, you will find the addresses, phone numbers, opening hours, and email addresses of the Student Affairs Offices for each School.

Where can I find specific information and enrollment announcements for the University study programs?

Regarding your inquiry about specific information and enrollment announcements for the university's study programs, I recommend visiting the website of Tor Vergata University.

There, you will find comprehensive information about the study programs, including admission requirements, curriculum details, and enrollment procedures. In particular, you can explore the "Educational Offer" section on the University's Portal, accessible through the following link www.uniroma2.it, where you will find a complete list of all bachelor's, master's, and integrated master's degree programs. https://web.uniroma2.it/it/percorso/offerta_formativa/sezione/elenco_dei_corsi_di_laurea_suddivisi_per_area.

As for enrollment in master's degree programs, I recommend consulting Section 2 of the Student Handbook, where you will find a list of required documents for enrollment in a master's degree program, as well as information about tuition fees. Furthermore, you can find detailed information about current year's tuition fee payments on the University's webpage at the following link http://web.uniroma2.it/it/percorso/futuri_studenti/sezione/guida_dello_studente.

Is it possible to use the university libraries?

Absolutely, it is possible to use the libraries of Tor Vergata University.

As indicated in Section 7.2 of Chapter 7 of the Student Handbook, access to the library facilities is guaranteed for all members of the university community. Each Area Library autonomously regulates access for other scholars and the public.

Tor Vergata University has several area libraries, including the Economics Area Library – Vilfredo Pareto and the Law Area Library.

The libraries are open to all students of Tor Vergata University and offer a wide range of resources, including books, journals, scientific articles, databases, online training courses (e-learning), and much more. To access the libraries, students need to present their university ID card or a valid identification document. Additionally, students can access the online resources of the libraries using their login credentials for the library's restricted area on the website.

It's important to note that the libraries of Tor Vergata University also provide interlibrary loan services, allowing students to request books and other materials from other Italian and international libraries.

In summary, yes, it is possible to use the libraries of Tor Vergata University, and students can access a wide range of resources, including books, journals, scientific articles, databases, online training courses (e-learning), and more.

Do you need extra time to complete your degree?

Students facing work, family, medical, or personal commitments can opt for part-time enrollment. This allows for a lighter course load spread over a longer duration.

Part-time students benefit from a 30% reduction in tuition fees, though the overall program will take proportionally longer to complete.

Check out the Student Handbook for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

Any siblings enrolled at Tor Vergata University?

Tor Vergata University of Rome offers a 10% discount on the second tuition installment for siblings of currently enrolled students. This applies to each enrolled sibling, provided their ISEE-University ISEE value is below €40,000.00.

Check out the Student Handbook  for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

I need to file a report or complaint. Who should I contact?

If you need to file a report or complaint, you will need to fill out a special form by connecting to the dedicated page of the URP.

What does it mean to be a part-time student?

To register as a part-time student at the University of Tor Vergata, you must follow the instructions in section 6.4 of Chapter 6 of the Student Handbook. In particular, you must fill out the online application for the part-time option, by selecting the Student Area and then Button 3 "Enroll as a part-time student" on the Delphi Online Services website.

The application for the part-time option will be received by the competent Student Affairs Office, which will check the regularity of the information contained before sending it to the Council of the relevant teaching structure.

The Course Council must, in fact, deliberate on the acceptance of the request for the part-time option and may also provide indications of a proposed course of study to guide the student. Once the competent Student Affairs Office has received the resolution of the Course Council, the student will be summoned to sign the contract and to deliver to the Student Affairs Office the self-certification of the reasons for which the part-time option is requested.

It is important to note that the choice of part-time is irrevocable and that students already enrolled, for a number of years less than the normal duration of the course plus 1, on a full-time basis may opt for the part-time option. In addition, the 30% discount provided for part-time cannot be cumulated with the exemptions provided for in chapter 7 of the Student Handbook.

No tax Area

Per quanto riguarda le tasse universitarie, la no tax area è un’agevolazione che permette agli studenti con un ISEE (Indicatore della Situazione Economica Equivalente) inferiore ad una certa soglia di non pagare le tasse universitarie.

Check out the Student Handbook  for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

What is the educational program offered by the University?

The University offers a wide range of degree programs for Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees, and a special type of Master's program that's completed in one go. These programs are divided into different broad fields of study, such as Economics, Engineering, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Sciences, and Law. Each broad field has a variety of its own programs, and each program has its own curriculum and admission requirements.

You can find more information about the University's programs by visiting their website at www.uniroma2.it, under the section called "Course Offerings".

There you'll find a complete list of all the programs, along with detailed information about admission requirements, course content, and more. The website also allows you to select your area of interest and see all the programs that fall under that category.

What are the minimum admission requirements for Tor Vergata University of Rome?

To be admitted to a Bachelor's or Single-cycle Master's Degree program at Tor Vergata University of Rome, you must have one of the following qualifications: Five-year high school diploma Four-year high school diploma with an additional year For more specific information, please consult the Student Handbook.

Si consiglia, per informazioni più specifiche, di consultare la Guida dello Studente.

Online Services for Students at Tor Vergata University of Rome

Tor Vergata University of Rome offers a suite of online tools and services designed to streamline your academic pathway. Accessible for free, these resources are available through the DELPHI online portal: http://delphi.uniroma2.it/.

Once you log in to DELPHI as a student, you'll find a personalized dashboard with services tailored to your specific status, whether you're a newly enrolled student or a returning one. Here are some of the key functionalities you can access online:

  • Admission Test Registration
  • Enrollment
  • Registration for years following the first
  • Exam Management
  • Transfer Requests
  • Password Management

All information concerning a student's academic career is published within the reserved area and is considered to have been notified for all legal purposes. Therefore, students are required to consult the reserved area periodically.

In particular, Tor Vergata University offers the following online services dedicated to its students:

  1. Office 365: This is a Microsoft application that is provided free of charge to students, who can use it both as an online platform and as a downloadable package on their PC. Using the same login details, each user can install Office on 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 phones.
  2. Booking services Students can book online the services offered by the University, such as study rooms, meeting rooms, sports equipment, etc.
  3. Orientation services Tor Vergata University offers online orientation services to help students choose the course of study most suited to their needs and interests.
  4. Tutoring services: Students can access online tutoring services to receive support and assistance in preparing for exams.


Admission procedures for courses offered by Tor Vergata University of Rome

The admission procedures for courses offered by Tor Vergata University of Rome depend on the student's status. EU students or students with equivalent status, non-EU students who do not require a visa, and non-EU students applying for a visa have different admission procedures, which are regulated by ministerial regulations.

Maternity leave

Students on maternity leave are offered two options for continuing their studies at the University. A one-year leave of absence, coinciding with childbirth, can be taken with a three-year window for resumption. Alternatively, students may elect to continue their studies with a 30% tuition reduction for one year. This fee reduction requires a request submitted by December 31st of the current year.

Check out the Student Handbook  for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

Are you a student with disabilities?

Students with a recognized disability equal to or greater than 66%, or with recognition of a handicap according to article 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, of law 5 February 1992, n. 104, are totally exempt from the payment of university fees and contributions for enrollment and registration in subsequent years.

If your disability is between 46% and 65%, you'll receive a 20% discount on your second tuition installment.

Check out the Student Handbook for details on fees, enrollment, and managing your academic path.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

Live in Italy but outside Lazio?

Live in Italy but outside Lazio?

L’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” ti offre una riduzione del 5% sull’importo del contributo universitario.

Check out the Student Handbook for details on fees, enrollment, and managing your academic path.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

Are you an Olympic participant?

Olympic medalists enrolled at our university are exempt from paying tuition fees for their entire program. They are only responsible for stamp duty and regional tax.

Students who participate in a World Olympic competition receive a 30% reduction on their tuition fees.

Check out the Student Handbook  for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.

Discounted Fees for Student-Athletes

E’ riconosciuto uno sconto del 30% sul contributo onnicomprensivo per gli studenti a cui vengono certificati meriti sportivi di particolare rilievo agonistico nazionale ed internazionale con le modalità descritte nel regolamento sulla doppia carriera di atleti e studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

Check out the Student Handbook  for comprehensive details on fees, enrollment procedures, and managing your university career, consult the Student Handbook.

Access here to discover all the scholarships and facilities offered by the university.