Tor Vergata University of Rome is committed to providing fair and accessible education for all students. In accordance with national legislation (Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016), we've implemented a transparent tuition fee structure that considers several factors. This system balances fairness, progression, and proportionality. It ensures equal opportunities for all while recognizing academic effort and achievement.

Your tuition fees for the upcoming academic year will be determined based on a combination of factors:

1. Family Financial Background: Assessed through the ISEE University Certificate, this ensures affordability for students from diverse economic backgrounds. 2. Chosen Degree Program: Different programs may have varying fee structures. 3. Academic Progress: The number of ECTS credits you've earned reflects your academic journey within the program. 4. Year of Enrollment (Cohort): This factor helps maintain a balanced system as tuition fees may evolve over time. A detailed breakdown of fee classes for each program is available in the table below. This clarifies the specific fee category associated with your chosen program.


Ordinary Taxation Rate

€0 to €2,270

Higher Taxation Rate

€200 to €2,576

Maximum Taxation Rate

€450 to €2,932

  • All Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees (including old and new regulations) that do not fall into other contribution classes. A 20% reduction applies to Bachelor's degrees in the School of Humanities, which are delivered mainly online or in a blended format.
  • Single-cycle Master's degree in Law and Civil Engineering-Architecture
  • Bachelor's degree in Food and Wine Tourism
  • Bachelor's degree in General Psychology, Development, Gender and Social Behavior.


Ordinary Taxation Rate

da € 0 fino ad un massimo di € 3100

Higher Taxation Rate

da € 200 fino ad un massimo di € 3448

Maximum Taxation Rate

da € 500 fino ad un massimo di € 3895

  • Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e chirurgia, Laurea magistrale in Scienze della Nutrizione umana, Lauree magistrali di area sanitaria (compresi gli studenti iscritti alle lauree specialistiche del previgente ordinamento)
  • Corso di laurea Magistrale in Biotechnology (in lingua inglese)
  • Corso di laurea in Engineering Sciences (in lingua inglese)
  • Corso di laurea magistrale in Attività fisica e promozione della salute (in lingua inglese)
  • Corso di laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale con modalità prevalentemente a distanza
  • Corso di laurea magistrale in Mechatronics Engineering(in lingua inglese)
  • Corso di laurea magistrale in LICUS